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Star and Solar System

"The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do."

Galileo Galilei

What is a star system?

Star System (also known as Stellar System) is the prevalent name used to categorise a group of celestial objects bound by gravitational force centred by a star or stars. The primary segment of a Stellar System is a star or stars that have, for example, exoplanets, moons, asteroids, and other debris orbiting around.

Are the Star System and Solar System the same thing?

Our Solar System is a Star System; however, a Star System is not a Solar System. There's only one Solar System in our universe, and that is because it consists of our sole sun (in Latin, it's "Sol").

Here's a breakdown of the fundamental elements of our Solar System.

A star, in which case, is our sun. It is the source of energy that powers the entire system, and because of its immense gravitational force, it keeps all the objects in the Solar System orbiting the sun itself.

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