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Multiple Choice Question
What is Earth known for?
Proximity to the Sun
Harboring life
Tectonic activity
Formation of protostars
Where is Earth located in our solar system?
1st closest planet
2nd closest planet
3rd closest planet
4th closest planet
How did Earth's Moon form?
Collision with protoplanets
Formation of a protostar
Gradual growth of planetesimals
Changes in Earth's atmosphere
What is the process known as when Earth's inner center heats up, causing denser materials to sink inward?
Asteroid collision
Planetary differentiation
Evolution of the atmosphere
Protoplanet formation
When did the formation of Earth's protoplanets occur?
4.6 billion years ago
3 billion years ago
1 billion years ago
500 million years ago
What is the result of the collision of protoplanets with Earth?
Formation of the Moon
Evolution of the atmosphere
Ice ages and climate changes
Planetary differentiation
Which natural satellite is associated with Earth?
The Moon
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